Programs by Ingo Schmoekel

9 programs found


ImageCategorizer - the very special search-app for your images! A gui-application for all 32- and 64-bit-windows-systems. Searching directly or in batch mode. Insert it with a mouseklick into the explorer context menu. Searching for images with special formats or special...


PDFtext - A dll for your pdf-files... Royalty free! With this dll you can get the complete text-content out of your pdf-files. To do this you can use three ways: As an automated text-export into a generated file. As clipboard-content....


PrPages - a developer module royalty free! Helps to calculate printing costs while analyzing pdf-pages regarding dimensions and used colours or b/w for single pdf-files or complete paths. The result could be totals with coloured and b/w-pages per file or...

PDF-Analyzer (en-version)

The PDF-Analyzer is a tool extracting all attributes from pdf files. You can use it from the explorer contextmenu and 'stand alone' as a 'PDF Browser', too. You can see all attributes/properties of a selected pdf file. That reaches from...

PDF DLL BasePack

The pdf-function library package with the modules (dll) PDFinternals, PDFdocuments, PDFlayout and PDFsecurity for your own (batch-)application. 32- and 64-bit-versions are included! Here bundled for a lower price! You can use the dlls with your commercial applications without paying any...


PDF2Image - A developer dll (32/64 bit) for pdf-page-convertion to images ... Royalty free! Many imagetypes from your pdf-pages - Easy to use! Build your own pdf-reader! Available imagetypes are png, tif, gif, bmp, wmf, jpg, jpeg, emf and eps....


Image2PDF - A developer dll for imageconvertion to pdf ... Royalty free! Append-mode! Comfortable tiff-mode! Many imagetypes - Easy to use! 32-/64-bit-version! It's a real express component... insert an imagename and it will work ... A testprogram and sample-sources (delphi,...


PDFLock - A developer dll for setting all security options (like copy, print, comment, ...), main- and user-password, all encryption levels (40 bit, 128 bit, 128 bit AES, 256 bit AES)... Supports the newest pdf-specs up to 256 bit AES...


Purpose of application: If a pdf-form - originally created by an Adobe product - was processed and modified by an external third party tool it's possible that an error message will raise while opening the form with the Acrobat Reader...