Programs by Softinventive Lab

5 programs found

Total Network Inventory

Build an inventory of your entire network without leaving a chair! Total Network Inventory will scan your entire network, query all servers, workstations and appliances discovered, and record important information about every piece of hardware found on your network. Create...

Software Asset Management

Software Asset Management 3 provides powerful tools for software inventory and license management. All software from your Windows and Mac OS devices is gathered in a single place with comprehensive search and filtering capabilities. Browse, organize, and discover your software...

Total Software Deployment

Managed software deployment for corporate networks. Total Software Deployment makes deploying software on any number of computers a blast. Software inventory management, automatic network scanning, and concurrent deployment of multiple types of installation packages make TSD a clear winner among...

Total Network Monitor

Monitor large and medium networks without leaving your chair! Total Network Monitor looks after your LAN no matter how large, raising alerts automatically if certain events occur. Watch network performance and get notified about the problems instantly with a variety...

Network Olympus Monitoring

Complete network monitoring solutions for ultimate system analysis. Network Olympus is an all-in-one, truly agentless system for monitoring network devices, interacting with network administrators and maintaining flawless performance of the whole network and its individual components. Supporting a wide range...